We welcome you to get involved and give of your time, talents and treasure to help build up the Body of Christ right here at St. Francis De Sales. There are many ways to serve the parish in all it's various ministries. Some tips and advice:
Catholics have a long tradition of action which a response to Christ's call to serve others – feeding the hungry, educating children, sheltering the homeless, caring for the poor. Getting involved in a parish ministry is part of answering this same calling. If your desire is to serve God, he will pour his blessings down on you and open opportunities for you to be exactly where you want to be.
Browse through the list of ministries, find a ministry that interests you, and contact the appropriate person to get started!
We are St. Francis de Sales Catholic Church, located in Sharpstown. We gather as members of Christ’s Body to welcome all in faith, hope, and love. We are called to know and love God by serving His people and sharing the Good News with neighbor and stranger alike. We endeavor to foster fellowship, nurture our children, encourage stewardship, and promote spiritual responsibility. We recognize all is possible as we share in the Holy Eucharist.